Committee Chairpersons
Apparel - OPEN
Back To School - OPEN
Field Day -Tara Groff & Jamie Nelson
Fundraising Coordinator - Julianne Crawford
March Madness - Jessica Kenny & Jeanne Coleman
Staff Appreciation - OPEN
Scholarship - Janet Stanford
Educational Endowment - Shelley Phillips
Committee Chairpersons Responsibilities
Fundraising Chairperson -
Commitment - Entire School Year
SLRMS PTO operates on a perpetual fund system. The fundraising committee needs to fundraise at least $18,000 year year to cover the expenses for the following school year. These funds cover events, programs, supplies, and activities the school budget does not. Every child at SLRMS is impacted by the monies fundraised.
The Chairperson would oversee all fundraising and ensure volunteers are organized; including but not limited to the Calendar Fundraising Committee, Direct Cash Donation Committee, & Business Cash Donation Committee. The Apparel Sales Committee does not fall under the Fundraising Chairperson.
Apparel Sales Committee Chairperson -
Commitment - Entire School Year
SLRMS PTO's third grossing fundraiser is apparel sales. In 2019/2020 this fundraiser brought in over $1,200!
Students, parents, staff, and community members all love to show their school spirit. Approximately six times each school year the PTO will set up a table and sell SL spirt wear provided by Special Tees in Kingston.
20% of all apparel sales will go back to the PTO! This is a lot of fun and allows you to interact with the community. The Chairperson would organize and oversee all apparel sales.
Although this is a fundraiser, this Chairperson does not report to the Fundraising Chairperson.
Scholarship & Educational Endowment Committee Chairperson -
Commitment - Winter/Spring
Each year SLRMS PTO awards three scholarships to graduating seniors from SLRHS. A $500 scholarship is awarded to one student from each of the three towns in the SLRSD.
The chairperson would organize and oversee the committee as they review the current scholarship application, submit the application to the SLRHS Guidance Department, collect and review completed applications, and select the three students who will be awarded the scholarships.
The Chairperson would also need to recruit a faculty member from SLRMS to be a member of the committee.
The President of the PTO will present the recipients with their scholarship at SLRHS's annual Awards Program in May.
In addition to the scholarships, the PTO awards a $250 Endowment to an 8th grader for Meritorious Effort. The chairperson would organize and oversee the committee as they review the current endowment application, submit the nomination form to the SLRMS Guidance Department, collect and review nomination forms , and select a recipient.
The President of the PTO will present the Educational Endowment at the annual 8th Grade Evening of Excellence in May.
Staff Appreciation Committee Chairperson -
Commitment - Fall/Spring
In the fall before school officially opens the SLRMS will host a breakfast for the staff at SLRMS. All staff members will also be gifted a $20 gift card from the PTO to a local business.
In the spring, the week of teacher appreciation, SLRMS PTO hosts a catered luncheon from Johnny Macaroni's. All staff members will also be gifted a $20 gift card from parents of SLRMS students.
The Chairperson will organize and oversee both events. They will also solicit gift card donations from parents in the spring.
There is a line item in the budget to cover the expenses for Staff Appreciation.
Back to School Event Committee Chairperson -
Commitment - Fall
This is an event scheduled by SLRMS Administration each fall.
Historically it has been a dance, however the PTO has noticed that dances are not very popular with middle schoolers. This event has evolved over the years and can be just about anything approved by administration. It should be open to all students at SLRMS.
It is typically planned around the same time as the Student Council organized Welcome Back BBQ and Movie Night.
The Chairperson for this event would organize and oversee the event, including promotion, decorations, refreshments, ticket sales, and chaperones.
There is a line item in the budget to cover the expenses for the Back to School event; however, this event is also a fundraiser and has brought in as much as $2,600 in 2015/2016!
Although this is a fundraiser, this Chairperson does not report to the Fundraising Chairperson.
March Madness Event Committee Chairperson -
Commitment - Spring
This is an event scheduled by SLRMS Administration each spring.
This event includes a teachers vs. students basketball game, music, games, karaoke, Just Dance, photo booth, and refreshments.
The Chairperson for this event would organize and oversee the event, including promotion, decorations, refreshments, ticket sales, and chaperones.
There is a line item in the budget to cover the expenses for the March Madness event; however, this event is also a fundraiser and has brought in as much as $4.400 in 2015/2016!
Although this is a fundraiser, this Chairperson does not report to the Fundraising Chairperson.
Field Day Committee Chairperson -
Commitment - Spring/Summer
This is an event scheduled by SLRMS Administration the last week of school. Field Day is for 8th grade students as a way of celebrating their transition to the High School. It takes place at the SLRSD track and occurs during school hours.
School administration will organize the events and will rent/purchase bounce apparatuses, a BBQ lunch cooked by the Guidance Department, and staff with chaperone.
The PTO is responsible for manning the refreshment table and for setting up, cleaning up, and chaperoning this area and the dining tent.
There is a line item in the budget to cover the food expenses for Field Day.
[The PTO does not oversee or pay for the bounce apparatuses for liability reasons.]
The Chairperson for this event would coordinate all refreshments with administrators, solicit refreshment donations from local businesses, organize and oversee parent volunteers, and have a lot of fun!