8th Grade
Field Day
Each year, during the last week of school, Silver Lake Regional Middle School's PTO in conjunction with school administrators hosts a day long Field Day for 8th grade students. This is event features many inflatable play and obstacle courses, back yard games like can jam and corn hole, and carnival style food. The PTO (for liability reasons) only provides funds for the food for this event. The PTO is responsible for manning the food tent and tables. Teachers will run the event, including providing chaperones.

Field Day 101
Recruit about 14 Parent Volunteers to Man the Food Tent and Tables. You will only need about 5-7 volunteers per at any one time; this number of volunteers allows for shifts.
Work with the Principal to Plan Food and Get Businesses to Donate Food, Beverages, Plates, Cups, and Cutlery.
Secure a donation of 5 cans of spray sunscreen, 6 watermelons (pre-sliced), pre-popped popcorn (the 99 Restaurant has donated this in the past for events), coolers for storage of watermelon and ice, three long plastic table clothes (for food tables), & 2 dozen balloons (1 red/1 black).
The first wave of parent volunteers should arrive around 8am to help set-up the food tables.
You will need a generator to run the cotton candy machine, and any other machinery.
The Guidance Department will grill hamburgers and hot dogs.
The Cafeteria will have condiments, lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles for hamburgers. (They will be doing the year end cleaning so we may not use the cafeteria or the walk-ins).
You can get ice from the High School. (The ice machine in the middle school will not provide the quantity you need.)
Make up several batches of lemonade; you will need to have someone stay on top of this since it goes quickly. Cups go fast too!
Students may have as much food as they like.
Several parents should be charged with cleaning the tables throughout the day in the Food Tent.
At the conclusion of the event, parents should help to clean-up the food tent and tables.